Tuesday, April 08, 2014

The end of XP

A lot of people that 'grew-up' with the internet, fondly remember Windows XP, it was a stable, reliable and user friendly operating system.

It welcomed in an age of change, from a time a good number of people didn't have internet access, right into the dawn of high-speed cable internet, XP saw it through.

Windows XP

However the end has come about for this weary war-horse. Now more than ever the world needs an operating system which fulfils the users requirements rather than imposing 'features' onto consumers which then only come to loath or work-around those 'features'

There are visionaries in computing, some have passed their prime, others go from strength to strength, and sometimes even now, far down the road a newcomer can arrive which shows real promise...

For me... that newcomer is ReactOS

The king is dead...

Long live ReactOS!

Learn more about this potential heir to the crown here: http://www.reactos.org/

Sunday, April 06, 2014

React OS Community Edition

The latest plan to shape the future of windows compatible free and open source operating system is a plan to involve the community for which the operating system is being built.

Now you, or anyone can veto how the progress of the program continues and grows. Get involved, have a say, If your a proficient coder and have time to offer you can even apply to join their team! One small step at a time, and together we can make it happen.

Find out more here:

A real operating system, that supports the programs you use ... while personally I certainly do recommend backing the project through giving them funding to continue their work we must remember the end result is a free operating system, for everyone.

You can back the project here:

I am personally proud to say I have already donated what little I can to this project as it is something I believe has great merits and a bright future. I ask that If you're reading this to donate even a few dollars to their indigogo campaign.

React Operating System

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

React OS.

React OS (operating system) is a completely free opserating system for PC's based around the same technology windows uses. this means that unlike Linux it is (or it will be once completed...) entirely compatible with ALL windows programs.

an example of the operating system, which, as you can see it pretty much identicle to screens of Windows NT (around which XP was also built)

This operating system is only in what is called 'Alpha' stage at the moment, it it still literally being built, it has been in production for many years, but is only being produced by part time coders, much akin to how linux began, with many people contributing to the overall.

If like many people you enjoy computer games on the PC, but dont always want to have to rely on / pay for Microsoft operating systems, on which the vast majority of games will run, unlike Linux which requires 'go-between' software to run games and windows applications ReactOS will run them nativly.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

About React OS

This page is information found on [http://www.reactos.org/en/download.html]

What is ReactOS?

ReactOS is a free and open-source operating system based on the Windows NT architecture, providing support for existing applications and drivers, and an alternative to the current dominant consumer and server operating systems.

Why re-implement NT?

First of all, the 'Windows' the general public knows is actually just one part of the modern Windows NT operating system. They usually mean the Win32 subsystem, a layer that sits upon the NT kernel, providing the user and application interface.
"NT is still around, known as XP and Vista"
Most people think of 'NT' as 'WinNT 4', while in reality the term NT refers to the NT series, which ranges from version 3 over NT5 (2000, XP, 2003) to NT6 (Vista, 2008 and 7).
The NTarchitecture was designed by a team lead by David Cutler, a former lead developer of VMS. It took them more than 4 years to combine the best of UNIX, VMS and OS/2 and create the NT architecture.


Other download links can be found on the React OS website through this link:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


While this blog is mainly about ReactOS and its windows like operating environment, It's worth pointing out a few Linux distributions (distro's) which I also advocate,

check out the www.distrowatch.com which links to pretty much every linux version ever.

my choices would be

Ubuntu (or Kubuntu / Lubuntu)
A very friendly system and easy to get into, comes packaged with firefox, open office, gimp, various versions of a messaging service, torrent service... pretty much everything to get going from square one.

I like the aesthetics of this distro, comes with 'the usual' packaged software

A lightweight and extremely easy going operating system offering 'no frills' but still packs enough extra's that's its worthwhile.

A mention goes to 'Damn Small Linux' which offers a LOT considering its download size and can easily be set to boot from a USB pen.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Free Windows!

ReactOS is a development for a new operating system, based on windows, compatible with current technology and computers ReactOS will be provided as an entirely free version of the popular Windows operating system, Nothing has been obtained illegally, the entire project has been written from scratch and uses several freely available resources to improve its usablity.

If you want a free version of windows then ReactOS is the right choice, some less diligent and unscrupulous people would choose to try and steal things.

With ReactOS you can legally and freely use an operating system almost exactly the same as Windows!